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Vicissitudes of the Silk Road——Han Dynasty
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Vicissitudes of the Silk Road——Han Dynasty

During late years of the Western Han Dynasty when chaos prevailed the political arena, the imperial court relaxed its governance of the Western Regions. Taking advantage of this opportunity the Hun forces fought back and the Silk Road was interrupted. After the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty, large tracts of land west of the Yumenguan Pass and the Yangguan were still controlled by the Hun...

Post Time: 20-03-03 Views: 385

Introduction of Resources and Products from Western Regions
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Introduction of Resources and Products from Western Regions

Since Zhang Qian’s missions to the Western Regions, resources and products from countries in the Western Regions entered the inland of China in large quantities. The Ferghana horse introduced during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was one of the most famous breeds. This excellent stallion is heavyset, with slender legs and well-developed chest, neck and buttocks. In addition other......

Post Time: 20-03-03 Views: 292

Introduction of Music and Dance from Western Regions
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Introduction of Music and Dance from Western Regions

The opening of the Silk Road also facilitated the exchange of music culture between the Western Regions and the Central Plains. As a result western ethnic musical instruments, as well as western music and dance entered the Central Plains areas and were loved by the Han people....

Post Time: 20-03-03 Views: 336

Eastward Dissemination of Western Technology and Culture
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Eastward Dissemination of Western Technology and Culture

On his return from the Western Regions, Envoy Zhang Qian brought back to the Central Plains a fine steed, the Ferghana, as well as some of the most commonly seen crops today. At the same time Chinese silk products and cast iron technology were also introduced to Europe. Through the Silk Road, many western crafts, religion and arts entered China, producing an enormous impact on the development of Ch...

Post Time: 20-01-15 Views: 224

Westward Dissemination of Gunpowder
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Westward Dissemination of Gunpowder

China is the birthplace of Gunpowder and early gunpowder weapons.The earliest gunpowder refers to a mixture of saltpeter,sulfur and charcoal according to a certain proportion. During the Tang and the Song Dynasties,Chinese manufactured firearms with burning and killing effects were used in large scales in wars.In 13th century,along with the expedition of Mongol amies along the Silk Road to the West...

Post Time: 20-03-03 Views: 423

Westward Dissemination of Printing Technology
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Westward Dissemination of Printing Technology

Printing technology, one of China’s “four great inventions” in ancient times, appeared during the Tang Dynasty. The extant world’s early woodblock printed book was the Diamond Sutra found in the Dunhuang Cave for Storing Buddhist Seriptures. The specified printing date on the sutra was “April 15, 9th year of Xiantong Period (868)”. During the Northern Song Dynasty, craftsman Bi Sheng in...

Post Time: 20-01-05 Views: 341

Westward Dissemination of Paper-making Technology
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Westward Dissemination of Paper-making Technology

Paper-making technology in China first appeared during the Western Han Dynasty. Cai Lun, an Eastern Han eunuch improved the technology which facilitated its further extension. Westward dissemination of Chinese paper was very early. Primitive hemp paper produced during the Han Dynasty has been discovered in Dunhuang and western Gansu. It is generally believed that paper-making technology was introdu...

Post Time: 20-01-28 Views: 498

Westward Dissemination of Tea
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Westward Dissemination of Tea

As a specialty of the Chinese inland areas,tea was only produced in the Yangzi River and Huai Rever areas,as well as areas of south of the Yangzi River. Tea entered the Western Regions around the time of Tang Dynasty.In the 8th years of the Wude Period of Gaozu’s reign(625),ethnic minorities in the northwestern region such as the Turks and the Tuyuhuns requested to carry out mutual trade with......

Post Time: 20-03-03 Views: 277

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