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The Ancient City of Urabo

  Located in the suburb 10 kilometers to the south of Urumqi, the site is the earliest and most complete one with best preservation in Urumqi, and a unit of the cultural relics under the protection of the autonomous region. Most scholars believe it’s the ruins of Luntai county established in 22nd year of Zhenguan reign of Tang Dynasty (648). A rammed construction with barbican entrances, the site is 550m long from south to north, 450m wide from east to west and still remains walls about 4m in height. A rammed inner city wall divides the whole city into three parts, each with barbican entrance and watchtower. The city is probably abandoned at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. Pieces of poetry, coins and architectural components have been unearthed here and they provide impotant materials for the study of the developing history and architectural history of Urumqi.
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